Friday, December 11, 2009

'snow mystery to me....

****while eating a giant chocolate chip cookie*****mmmmmm******.....

We just had a HUGE snowfall. first of the year. The streets are CHAOS, and the buses are packed with overheating, grumpy people. So, armed with a warm coat, high boots, and some kickass songs on my ipod, I found myself trekking home from work yesterday, and my trek took me past a park...

... and MAN, is it ever fun to walk thru calve-height fluffy white snow!!

easily a hundred times nice than slipsliding along slushy/icy/deathtrap sidewalks.

try it. you'll liiiike it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cheer in the most unexpected places!!!

Ok, I'm apologizing in advance for all the christmas themed posts that will likely wind up here. I know it's not 'cool' to love christmas. But i LOVE it with a vehement passion. Soooo much about christmas makes me smile, so it's bound to trickle down to these posts.


Last night around 11pm I got on a city bus to take me about 5 mins to my place. (cold + lazy.) What did I discover? The entire bus had been DECORATED FOR CHRISTMAS!!! (yes. im so excited about this i'm yelling.) Red and green balloons were tied to each pole, the front area around the driver was awash with gold and red, fake poinsettas and tinsel garlands. And best of all, the bus driver himself - full of Christmas cheer - was making every passenger take a piece of candy out of a basket when they boarded. And all this on top of usually finding montreal's bus drivers downright surly. not cheerful!!!

It was amazing. I dont know what at that moment could have made me happier...

... and then 30s later i realized I'd taken the bus going in the wrong direction. But i couldnt help feel that somehow fate had intervened and put me on that bus. so i could see it, and smile, and then bring it to you. and you can smile. And that's a whole lot more smiling than if I'd just taken the RIGHT bus in the first place.

holiday hugs to you all :)

sorry for the super crap picture.
I took it on my super crap phone.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fog gets in your eyes

Fog is like magic.
It's like drinking too much, or being sleepy. It has this ability to limit your senses in an incredibly tangible way, in a way that rubs right up against your nose and sits on your skin. It takes away your ability - or desire - to compose your environment into something comprehensible, something continuous. All we can know of or prove of the world is that which we immediately experience, and in fog, the boundaries of that place become really, really close...... and it's comforting somehow, at least for a short while.