Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mes Habitants (aka, loving hockey)

I love the excitement that surrounds local sport teams and events. And being a good little born-and-raised Montreal, of course this means my team of choice is the Habs (aka, the Montreal Canadians.)

I never really cared that much about hockey until two tickets to an important game (montreal vs toronto, semifinals) land in my lap for FREE a few years ago. I grabbed a friend and we went, and it was ridiculously fun!!! The game moves so quickly; the puck dashes back and forth, and at the smallest sign of a move for the net, the crowd collectively holds its breath, then moans a little when the shot misses. Or, wait, a score?! The energy alone almost lifts you out of your seat.

The whole excitement surrounding a game is amazing too. Walk around town by the arena before a game, and you'll see ALOT of excited people, alot of little kids with beaming smiles, people of all ages with hope and enthusiasm in their faces. Jocularity abound. loud conversations.

BUT. You don't actually have to SEE a game to share in this enthusiasm. This feeling extends to outside the arena. Even a game watched in a pub can extend a bit of the experience to you. And then - wearing some sign of your teams makes you a member of an little exclusive club. Ok, its huge and not exclusive at all. But it gives you a feeling of special connection to others. When I wear my Habs hat around town, I get approving nods from complete strangers.

and I like that. alot.