Tuesday, July 28, 2009

randomly running into a friend on the street

actually, while crossing the street. ..so, in the middle of an intersection. and then you stand on the median with fast moving traffic on either side, talking about amusement parks for ten minutes.

and the sun is shining. and its a hot summer day. and you probably badly needed that lovely run-in today.

It's even better if you were coincidentally thinking of them, in a rather out-of-nowhere-fashion, earlier that day.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Making Jam

cause its fun and it tastes good and it saves money and it makes me feel like I'm resurrecting some lost domestic/culinary art...

Friday, July 24, 2009

friends being good friends

..like when they do things to cheer you up when you're not well. like bring you ice cream. or send you thoughtful, supportive messages. cause love gives you strength.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Delicious, crispy, sweet, creamy-goodness filling, with just the right dusting of icing sugar...

thank you, Alerti-Casserta. You so very much made my day.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

being awake at 5am

There is something so special about being awake and out&about at 5am. when the sky starts to turn oh-so-paler-and-paler-blue. Whether you're just getting up, or just going to bed.

It's like the whole world is there just for you. ...and maybe those two people too...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

and then sometimes, you're just sad.

and that's ok.

image stolen from this gal on flickr. ...hey, at least I credit it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

jokes that make me laugh outloud.

two goldfish in a tank, one says to the other, "can you drive this thing?"

pic courtesy http://kenglye.deviantart.com/art/my-goldfish-28555549
joke courtesy tim S. (thanks for that one, dahling, i needed it!!!)

Friday, July 10, 2009

This Picture.

sorry, i know i should credit it, but i got it thru the grapevine, and thruthfully, i just dont care that much!! if anyone wants to know, ask and i will track down its source :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Getting long distance phone calls

It puts a happy warmth in my heart to hear the voice of someone who is on the other side of the WORLD, and feel huge distances evaporate, and to remember that my second family - the one made up of friends i love love love - spans the entire big bad world. Take that, unimaginable distances.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

No one nose but you and me.. shh..

It is SOOoooo much fun to catch people picking their noses when they think no one is watching. But you are. but they don't know. and they keep doing it.

My favorite place to spy on others for this kind of embarrassing activity is in a car on the highway. People do all KINDS of things in their cars cause they think no one's watching. (yunn hunn Mr., I can actually see you quite clearly in my rearview mirror....) They pick their teeth. they pick their nose and then their teeth. They animatedly sing along to whatever bit of music they've chosen for that moment, normally some musical guilty pleasure, since this is the only moment they can really indulge in it alone.

so they think...

Friday, July 3, 2009

puffy fluffy goodness

Clouds. Sometimes, when you live in the city, they just come OUT OF NOWHERE. And you are shocked at the awesome sight of them, feeling like you haven't seen them in aaaages, and maybe even forgot that they were still out there, behind the concrete buildings and telephone poles and planes and billboards and maybe even trees.

And then suddenly there they are; thin waify noncoherent clouds, shockingly white fluffy clouds, clouds that ball up into big lumpy masses that are ominously dark underneath, with gold glowing sunlit edges. And you're spellbound.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


fireworks make my adult mind take a tied-up-and-gagged-backseat as my inner child takes over completely.

ooooooooo, aaaahhhhh..... *face lighting up in wonder*

basking in busking

I have a huge appreciation for people who bring glorious bits of music into the most unexpected and otherwise completely unmemorable & inconsequential moments of my life....